Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Tea Party needs an anthem! And how this will create jobs.

One of the things that continually intrigues me about the Tea Party is that the group lacks any unifying anthem. Sounds ridiculous but let me explain.

Music in my opinion is the ultimate form of media that binds mankind. If you really think about it, aside primitive cave paint, a good set of bongos could be fashioned out of almost anything and then made into a harmony for the tribe. Music has been with us as a unifier for a long time.

When I was in boot camp we sung (shouted) cadences that were hilarious. Usually about romping and stomping on some rival platoon. But they were always energetic and generally amused me.

Anthems were there for the royal courts of Europe, for the Churches, and more recently anthems have been there to symbolize countries as a whole. Star Spangled Banner get anyone's attention?

But above all; music has been there for political movements. And this is why I suggest this for the Tea Party. People are generally moved by passion and emotion, and without a good anthem for the Tea Partiers to shout, there just won't be any sort of rallying cry for them. The French Revolutionaries had La Marsaillaise. And just recently, god help me, I listened to the first version of Internationale, the first anthem of the Soviet Union. What impressed me about that song was its tone of optimism, like all possibilities were open. Of course the irony was that history proved this to not be the case. But negatives and positives aside, if the Tea Party had an original, moving, passionate anthem of its own, I believe they could and would succeed in attracting people to their cause.

I've included some long forgotten anthems here:

So where are the singing Tea Partiers?

If any of you reading this are Tea Partiers, feel free to message me and maybe we can knock up some tunes and lyrics. I think an enterprise like this will be good for America because, with the outstanding success of American Idol, we've turned a nation of singers and dancers,thus we have a large talent pool for this project. Imagine a good 21st century anthem! It would create jobs because it would encourage people to start writing lyrics, and that in turn might spawn an industry. And maybe it could be featured on American Idol. Or we could start American Tunes. Or something like that, I think its all worth a shot. Something like this could provide a huge stimulus in the form of positive attitudes.

Lastly, I've stumbled upon a very interesting document written in the 18th century. I read this a few times and wanted to share it with you all. It speaks volumes because a lot of what they talked about in this document seems to be a reoccurring theme today:



T K said...

How about a good ole Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

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